Commemorating Local Heroes

Throughout history, every community has individuals who have stepped forward in time of conflict and danger. These local heroes have shown immense bravery and sacrifice, whether during major global events like the World Wars or in more localised crises. This year, in the Museum we want to highlight some of the remarkable individuals who served our community as service personnel, or in the civilian services before, during and after the World Wars.

Composite picture of military, fire, police and nursing personnel

If you have friends or family members you believe deserve recognition, we invite you to share their stories with us. We would like to include them in our commemorations, whether they have passed away or are still among us.

Welcome to Fordingbridge Museum

The museum houses a wide range of displays including:

A large Victorian furnished dolls house, Victorian domestic kitchen and entertainment equipment, Local educational artefacts, Albums of photographs of Fordingbridge and surrounding villages.

Displays about local public houses, Carpentry equipment, a blacksmith’s premises, the local Turks football club, the artist Augustus John and his statue, WW2 artefacts, the railway in Fordingbridge and Fordingbridge Regatta.

Other permanent displays include: Local brick making artefacts and history, Cobblers equipment, Early bicycles and a dramatic illustrated account of local smugglers.