Museum 50/50 club

Fordingbridge Museum receives no official funding and relies on donations and money raised by the Friends of Fordingbridge Museum. One of the ways we do this is by running a 50 50 Club.

What is the 50 50 Club?

Our ’50 50 Club’ is a quarterly prize draw run by the Friends of Fordingbridge Museum. 50% of cash generated makes up the lottery prizes and 50% will be used, in our case, to support Fordingbridge Museum.

How many prizes will there be?

There will be 3 quarterly prizes with an extra Christmas Prize in December.

When will the prizes be drawn?

Prizes will be drawn around 15th of March, June, September and December.

How much can I win?

First prize is 25% of quarterly income, second prize: 15%, third prize: 5%. The Christmas Prize will comprise 5% income cumulative over 12 months.

How much will it cost?

An annual payment of £12 entitles each member to one stake of £3 in each quarterly draw for a year. More than one stake per draw can be bought, for example an annual payment of £24 entitles the member to 2 stakes in each draw.

Who can join?

Membership is open to anyone over the age of 16 years and is not exclusive to members of Fordingbridge Museum.

If you wish to join please complete the application form (link Below) and standing order mandate and return to the Promoter:

Stuart Grant
39 Salisbury Road
Fordingbridge SP6 1EH

Download: Application Form & Standing Order Mandate (PDF)

(Cheques will also be accepted, payable to ‘Fordingbridge Museum 50 50 Club’.)

In line with the Fordingbridge Museum Trust Data Privacy Policy we will keep your details secure and not share them with any other organisation or third party. We will use your details only to contact you with matters relating Fordingbridge Museum and the 50 50 Club. Your details will be kept up-to-date and deleted when your membership ceases.

Please do join.
You really will help the Museum and you could win a prize!


1. Membership of the Fordingbridge Museum 50 50 Club is open to anyone over 16 years of age and is for a minimum of twelve months. (Membership of the Museum is not a requirement).

2. Membership is non-transferable.

3. Membership is by an annual payment. An annual membership of £12 will give a £3 stake in each of the 4 quarterly draws, but members can purchase any number of stakes in units of £12.

4. Members must be fully paid up one calendar month before the draw in which they will be included.

5. Numbers will be allocated in numerical order on receipt of payment.

6. There will be 4 quarterly draws each year and a Christmas bonus drawn in December. Draws will be made on or near the 15th of March, June, September and December.

7. An organiser of the 50 50 Club will make the draw in the presence of another member of the Friends of Fordingbridge Museum.

8. First prize will be 25% of the quarterly income, second prize will be 15% and third prize will be 5%. The Christmas Prize will comprise 5% cumulative over 12 months. The remaining 50% will be used to support the Fordingbridge Museum Trust in the running costs of the Museum.

9. Winners will be notified by post and payment made by cheque. Prize winners will be listed in the Friends of Fordingbridge Museum newsletters.

10. Membership may be terminated at any time by giving written notice to the Promoter but remains effective until the end of the current year’s payment.

11. The Committee reserves the right to amend or vary the Rules at any time and in any way which they see fit.

12. If the 50 50 Club is wound up, all funds remaining will be transferred to the Fordingbridge Museum Trust.

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